My Story!

Welcome to my blog "With JeSs". I decided to start this site so that I could share my experiences with my family and friends. I meet so many new people that have millions of questions about the way I eat. This is just one of the many ways I plan on getting the info out there. 

I started eating "Paleo" a little over a year ago, starting in March 2011. Thanks to "Paradiso Crossfit" I had the courage, resources, and support to embark on this life long journey. I am very lucky to have found this gym, now community and friends! 

I  had always wanted to attempt eating this way but was holding back for one reason or another. I decided to try the Paleo eating lifestyle because of a Nutrition Challenge hosted by our gym and have never looked back. I feel amazing and the best I have ever felt. If you are on the fence on trying this way of eating, I recommend to just try it. You have nothing to lose and soooo much to gain. If you try, you will see amazing results on how you feel, that alone should make you want to stick with it. 

I hope that this blog is helpful and shows you how easy and fun it can be to live this way. I know there is a million blogs out there but I want to show my family and friends how possible this lifestyle is and how life changing it can be!