Monday, November 21, 2011

Mashed cauliflower & ground meat thing!

(Guest Post by MaRu)
Alright, as requested by my lovely friend... here is my recipe on how to make a paleo shepherds pie!!!

- 1 head of cauliflower (medium size will be fine)
- 1 large egg
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
- Garlic powder to taste
* add cayenne, paprika, parsley and other spices to taste (I usually put way more spices than I usually would because I've found that ground turkey or ground beef don't suck in the flavor as easily)
- Some olive oil (to grease the cooking dish)
- 1 package of ground turkey or grass fed ground beef (either at trader joe's work great)
* tomato sauce is optional (if you use it, don't go crazy, just 1/4 cup would be fine)
- 2 tablespoons of almond flour
- 1/4 cup Yellow Mustard (be careful when buying it because a lot of them have sugar added)

Directions: (Pre-heat oven at 350)
1. Break off cauliflower from stem (like broccoli)
2. Boil cauliflower in salted water or chicken/beef broth for about 15 minutes or until soft (again make sure the broth is organic and doesn't have any sugar or other crap in it)
3. Drain and mash (you can use a little bit of the water or broth you cooked it in... depends on how you like the texture, you can use a hand masher or a blender... make sure you don't over liquify if using a blender)
4. Add salt, pepper and a lot of garlic powder when mixing (you can put some grass fed butter in there as well if you'd like)
5. While working on the mash cauliflower, get the meat all seasoned up with the spices, egg, mustard and almond flour. Brown and crumble meat for 6 to 8 minutes (if there is liquid stuff, take most of it out).
5. Fill a rectangular ceramic dish (or pyrex) with the meat. Depends on what dish you are using you can layer it or simply do the meat in the bottom and the mash on top.
6. Top if off the the mash cauliflower and cook it for about 10 minutes (I like to then broil it on high for a few minutes to get the mash brown, but be careful I have burned it before!!!)

Picture: Coming soon!!! BUEN PROVECHO.

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